Become a member

Make a donation and contribute to the conservation of the tropical rainforests of Central America and their biodiversity.

Faites une donation et participez à la conservation des forêts tropicales d'Amérique Centrale et de leur biodiversité.


By becoming a member of Sauvage, you are supporting projects whose missions are the study and protection of the jaguar and its environment in the long term. As a member, you will be invited to events such as conferences, workshops, and exhibitions organized by Sauvage.

Sauvage annual membership card

Receive an invitation to all events organized by Sauvage, such as conferences, workshops, and exhibitions.

Support the study and protection of jaguars in Costa Rica.

Twice a year, take part to video conference meetings led by the founding members of Sauvage to get a sneak peek into the activities and future projects of the organization.

Be part of the Sauvage community and chat with us as well as the other members of the organization.

Get a monthly update on Sauvage's actions through our newsletter.

$ 160